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What to Do if You Need Bite Disease Treated?

Posted on 10/19/2020 by SmileCOS Dentistry
What to Do if You Need Bite Disease Treated?We know that bite disease is one of the least known but most destructive dental problem today.

In today's world, most folks are aware of tooth decay and gum disease, but bite disease is very possibly just as damaging to oral health. We know that your mouth is a delicate balance of motion and effectiveness, but when teeth and jaw do not work normally, the imbalance can be quite a monumental problem. With the knowledge that occlusal disease is so destructive, many dentists catch the diagnosis during evaluations.

Available Treatment for Bite Disease

Treatment for occlusal disease generally includes a mild reforming of the teeth to balance out the bite, restoring worn or damaged teeth, orthodontic treatment to better align the teeth, or possibly a combination of all three. We know that the key to averting occlusal disease begins with a thorough examination and diagnosis. For most office visits with bite disease, the dentist will confirm the patient has the occlusal disease and set up a treatment program that may consist of a procedure called tooth equilibration. This is a method dentists use to set the realignment of the teeth. Based on the severity of the disease, they might make adjustments or do some reshaping of certain teeth to allow stress in the mouth to be decreased. When the disease is more advanced, they may do some restoration of several of the teeth to bring the overall bite back into the natural balance it lacks.

Why Is It Important To Have A Healthy and Well Aligned Bite?

We are aware that your bite can cause major issues when so far out of alignment so treatment is paramount to the patient's overall health. The primary reason this is important is that badly aligned teeth can cause irregular wear and even ruin a patient's teeth for life. There are many other problems stemming from bite disease and treatment can cover them all. Remember, for more information on this and all things dental, call in today for an appointment. We are always happy to see your smile!

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