Why Is Dental Hygiene Important To Your Overall Health?
Posted on 3/6/2023 by SmileCOS Dentistry
Good oral health goes beyond having a beautiful smile. It involves having strong and healthy teeth that are free from issues. Besides, taking care of your mouth and gums keeps the rest of your body healthy. It is good to note that dental hygiene is not only about brushing and flossing. Incorporating dental appointments and paying attention to what you eat is also vital in maintaining oral and overall health. Here is the importance of ensuring good dental hygiene.
Good Dental Hygiene Gives a Brighter Smile
Failing to brush or floss your teeth regularly can lead to plaque buildup. Over time, plaque will produce acid that attacks the enamel, leading to tooth decay. Tooth decay can discolor your teeth, which can lower your confidence. While discolored teeth cause little impact on your oral health, you may feel self-conscious about your smile. With regular brushing, you can easily remove the stains. Nevertheless, stubborn denture stains may need professional care.
Prevent Teeth Loss
As you are aware, poor oral hygiene often causes plaque buildup, the leading cause of tooth decay and gum diseases. In advanced cases, these oral issues can cause teeth loss. The good thing is that you can prevent this by maintaining good oral hygiene. This may involve using fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash and incorporating cleaning techniques with regular dental visits. If you're already missing a tooth, you can improve your oral health by restoring it with dentures, bridges, or dental implants.
Improves Digestion
Did you know that your mouth can determine digestion? Oral issues such as missing teeth and teeth misalignment can affect how you chew your food. If the food is not chewed properly, it becomes difficult for your stomach to digest it. With this, absorbing vital nutrients may be challenging. Luckily, some dental restoration options can help you improve your dental health, thus, improving digestion.
Do you want to have a healthy mouth and body? If yes, regular dental hygiene practices should be your priority. Our professionals will provide you with more tips on maintaining good oral hygiene.
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